Ideas and what we’re doing right now!

Do you have a favourite product, a recipe that we need to feature, or try-out to make Gluten-Free? My mission is to try out everyday recipes that I can put a GF twist on. My family call them Clairecipes.. (hmmm??) but they seem to work!  Get in touch with us if you have anything you'd like to see us feature!

Chicken Milanese with Gluten Free Spaghetti Pomodoro

Chicken Milanase

Lockdown Family meals have taken on even more of an importance to us right now. Never before have we spent so much time together - but we are finding that we are all locked in different rooms - working, teaching, learning - or just trying to escape. So coming together for a family meal is important for us to re-group.

I've had to re-think meals that we will all love. For now, gone of the days of the kids eating first and me doing something later. We eat together. And in the most part we enjoy it. And I do realise this time is unique and we may not get it again. Not saying it's perfect being locked in together. In fact right now - I'd love to eat a big bowl of this on my own watching Bridgerton - but hey!
I followed the fabulous Pinch of Nom recipe for this. I didn't have Red Pepper flakes, so I used paprika instead. (Do watch out how hot the pan is and how much you use though - I made us all cough when it hit the heat (half a teaspoon is enough!!).

I also needed to replace the Panko breadcrumbs to gluten-free version. I've gotten into the habit of blending the crusts of a regular leaf of gluten-free bread and sticking it in the freezer for whenever a recipe calls for gluten-free breadcrumbs. This one happened to be a Waitrose GF Sourdough loaf - and I must say it was pretty good.


Homemade curry

I made this family meal for our curry night. I wanted something gluten free and non-messy as we were sat at home watching the VE day celebrations on the TV. It needed to be easy to grab so we could eat with our hands!

I used the Marry Berry Dry-Roasted Chicken Tikka recipe from her Quick Cooking book. This was a great one to follow as there were no adaptations or substitutions to make it GF. The samosas are from the Pinch of Nom book. I love that book as it has ideas on how to make their recipes GF without me having to think about it. One thing to note on these was that making the GF wraps stick with egg took a long time - but persevere, it’s worth it!!

You can buy both books on Amazon, but I rather like supporting book shops!

WATERSTONES: Mary Berry Quick Cooking